She’s the beautiful South- Sudanese Model, Alec Wek lookalike and beautician Queen Nyakim Gatwech. What first got our attention about Niyakem is her distinctive complexion.
In a world filled with false beauty standards and ideologies of color supremacy, for the really beautiful dark skinned people, keeping their color and learning to love and embrace it, Gatwech is proud of her moonshine black skin.

Were you ever made to feel inferior of your skin color, she was asked by the spice magazine. She answered: Yes I was always bullied which such strong words like “you black as hell”, take a shower, laughter, and dirty looks. a way I dealt with it was that I open to my friend and family member about how I felt and what I was going though. I would also everyday in the morning look at myself in and the The mirror and tell myself how beautiful I am when I finally start to except who I am.

I even considered bleaching myself to avoid the “dirty looks”, the mean jokes, and for boys to find me attractive. But thanks to my sister for wise words and told me the dangers of bleaching my skin. I would always have family members and friends who remind me every day that my skin is beautiful just the way it is.
She’s based in Minneapolis in USA
She is truly dark as night and unapologetically charcoal black as her photos are currently breaking the internet and trolls can get enough of her.
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