I have 2. One I was involved in and another my wife and sister were.
About 4 years ago my buddy was getting married and we went to a strip club and the bachelor got his ass beat by a couple strippers, one of whom came back to our already trashed hotel suite. There were about 10 guys involved and myself (married) and 2 other guys who wanted nothing to do with the shenanigans went into a room and locked the door.
I woke up about 10 minutes later after a loud crash down the stairs. Turns out one of the guys (married) talked the stripper into wrestling and she slapped him in the face so he tossed her down the stairs. She only made it down like 4 stairs before getting back up and then we saw her running back up the stairs at him. At this point, there were 5 guys upstairs with the stripper and she was wearing only her g-string.
The guy who tossed her was married to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and the other 4 were single. They ended up all gangbanging (note gangbang, not gang rape. She was into this shit) her and fucked her up pretty bad. Myself, still pretty drunk, and another guy got the fuck out of there before anything got illegal or too crazy. Before we left we locked the groom in the room with the other guy we went in there with so he was safe from the “party” and we bolted.
The groom’s brother texted me the next day and thanked us for locking his brother away and told us it was smart of us to have left. Apparently one of the guys slapped the chick so hard across the head while banging that she got knocked out.
The one married guy got divorced like a month later and all 5 of the guys got some pretty funky shit from the stripper. The groom and his wife are still married and so am I.
The one my wife and sister were involved in was much more mild. They had a bachelorette party for my best friends upcoming bride while the guys came to my house for a night of video games, pool, and poker.
At about 2 am, my wife calls me and asks if we can bring enough vehicles to pick up 10 girls. 3 of us who were sober drove down to pick up the girls from downtown and the only missing girl was the bride. Thankfully her soon-to-be groom stayed at my place drunk because this would have gotten much worse.
On the way back my sister proceeds to tell me that the bride bolted with some guys back to the hotel and told the girls that she got them a separate suite for them to return to unless they wanted to join the fun. All of us were appalled and couldn’t comprehend it. My buddy was passed out on my couch downstairs so we just left him and everything would be handled in the morning when he is sober.
In the morning my wife got a text from the bride, sent at 4 am, asking to come get her and take her to CVS and then home and to be there at 8. My buddy and I went instead. On the way to the hotel I filled him in on the facts I knew but we would find out ourselves.
When we got to the hotel we went to the room and walked in, using my wife’s key card, to what can only be described as a human-sized used condom and jizz rag. The room had a stench that can not be described, and there lie the bride-to-be, on the bed sprawled out with 2 guys and another 2 on the floor. There were no condoms in sight and this check looked all sorts of used up.
Without saying a word, my buddy called and canceled his credit card that she used to pay for everything, called up a few other buddies of ours who had trucks and trailers, and we spent the next 6 hours taking all of his shit out of their apartment. Obviously, the wedding was called off and the chick ended up crying pregnant until he responded back with a phone number to his lawyer who had photos of the room and her with other guys, all nude, in his possession if she wanted to go that route and she backed off. This was all about 3 years ago and since then she has been engaged 2 times and “pregnant” once. None of us have seen her since.